Cap­ti­vat­ed By Aquascaping?

We believe that the fas­ci­na­tion with aquas­cap­ing runs deep for many enthu­si­asts. It’s our mis­sion to nur­ture a diverse com­mu­ni­ty where like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als can share their pas­sion, learn, and thrive in their aquas­cap­ing endeav­ours. Don’t go any­where, we’re just get­ting started!

Java fern healthy growth
008Tuto­r­i­alThe Com­plete Care Guide to Java FernWant a lush, vibrant aquar­i­um? Dis­cov­er the secrets of car­ing for Java Fern, prop­a­gat­ing it, and cre­at­ing breath­tak­ing aquascapes.
Healthy planted tank 2021 05 31 040840
007The 4 Prin­ci­ples to Cre­ate Thriv­ing Plant­ed TanksSo you strug­gle with cre­at­ing tanks that look like the ones you see on Insta­gram. That’s okay! Fol­low these prin­ci­ples for a healthy, vibrant plant­ed tank.
Java moss on hardscape
006Tuto­r­i­alThe Com­plete Care Guide to Java MossYou’ve almost cer­tain­ly heard of Java Moss — it’s one of the most pop­u­lar aquar­i­um plants avail­able in the hob­by! We’ll cov­er every­thing you need to know about the care, growth, and prop­a­ga­tion of Java Moss.
Rotala rotundifolia in planted tank
005Tuto­r­i­alThe Com­plete Care Guide to Rota­la RotundifoliaIf there were a clas­sic’ plant used in plant­ed aquar­i­ums, it’d be Rota­la Rotun­di­fo­lia. In this guide we’ll cov­er every­thing you’d ever want to know about this species: water para­me­ters, trim­ming and main­te­nance for lush, bushy growth, prop­a­ga­tion, and more.
Huy phan n Jr SZM Oa Jg unsplash
004Tuto­r­i­alLive Plants For Bet­ta SplendensThe myth that Bet­tas don’t need any­thing more than clown vom­it and a 12 gal­lon fish­bowl is final­ly dying. Let’s take a look at the best live plants you can get for your Bet­ta to live a hap­py and healthy life.
Biofilm In Planted Tanks
003Main­te­nanceHow to (Final­ly) Solve and Pre­vent Biofilmif you just want to elim­i­nate biofilm (and keep it from com­ing back), here are the exact steps to solve biofilm in your plant­ed tank once and for all.
Optimizing CO2 Usage
002Tuto­r­i­alOpti­mize your Aquar­i­um’s CO2 UsageHere’s the thing: CO2 can be chal­leng­ing! Let’s dive into a few sim­ple changes you can make to start using CO2 more effec­tive­ly in your plant­ed tank.
Freshwater Plants For Aquascapers
001Tuto­r­i­alThe Best Fresh­wa­ter Plants for BeginnersFresh­wa­ter plants can be a strug­gle — even for vet­er­ans! Let’s check out the best plant choic­es so you’re not left hold­ing brown leaves in a week!
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