Captivated By Aquascaping?
We believe that the fascination with aquascaping runs deep for many enthusiasts. It’s our mission to nurture a diverse community where like-minded individuals can share their passion, learn, and thrive in their aquascaping endeavours. Don’t go anywhere, we’re just getting started!

008TutorialThe Complete Care Guide to Java FernWant a lush, vibrant aquarium? Discover the secrets of caring for Java Fern, propagating it, and creating breathtaking aquascapes.

007The 4 Principles to Create Thriving Planted TanksSo you struggle with creating tanks that look like the ones you see on Instagram. That’s okay! Follow these principles for a healthy, vibrant planted tank.

006TutorialThe Complete Care Guide to Java MossYou’ve almost certainly heard of Java Moss — it’s one of the most popular aquarium plants available in the hobby! We’ll cover everything you need to know about the care, growth, and propagation of Java Moss.

005TutorialThe Complete Care Guide to Rotala RotundifoliaIf there were a ‘classic’ plant used in planted aquariums, it’d be Rotala Rotundifolia. In this guide we’ll cover everything you’d ever want to know about this species: water parameters, trimming and maintenance for lush, bushy growth, propagation, and more.

004TutorialLive Plants For Betta SplendensThe myth that Bettas don’t need anything more than clown vomit and a 1⁄2 gallon fishbowl is finally dying. Let’s take a look at the best live plants you can get for your Betta to live a happy and healthy life.

003MaintenanceHow to (Finally) Solve and Prevent Biofilmif you just want to eliminate biofilm (and keep it from coming back), here are the exact steps to solve biofilm in your planted tank once and for all.

002TutorialOptimize your Aquarium’s CO2 UsageHere’s the thing: CO2 can be challenging! Let’s dive into a few simple changes you can make to start using CO2 more effectively in your planted tank.

001TutorialThe Best Freshwater Plants for BeginnersFreshwater plants can be a struggle — even for veterans! Let’s check out the best plant choices so you’re not left holding brown leaves in a week!